Range of printed products

Books, magazines and catalogs
  • Staples custom format
  • Sewn binding
  • Perfect binding PUR
  • Hardcover Binding
  • Wire-o binding
  • Spiral binding
Advertising and promotional prints
  • Paper bags
  • Postal cards
  • Posters
  • Displays
  • Calendars
  • Cards and flyers
  • Mobile holder
  • Bookmark
  • Folders
  • Filling Cabinets
  • Folded brochures
  • Flyers
  • Hang tags
  • Envelopes
Special products for hotels and caterings
  • Table displays
  • Floor displays
  • Counter displays
  • Totem display stands
  • Exhibitors for decoration
PLV exhibitors
  • Table displays
  • Floor displays
  • Counter displays
  • Totem display stands
  • Exhibitors for decoration
Packaging folding
  • Standard packaging
  • Promotional packaging
  • Packaging shipments
  • Beverage packaging
  • Food packaging
  • Custom packaging
Corrugated cardboard packaging
  • Packaging for bottles
  • Folders in corrugated cardboard
  • Promotional boxes
  • Shipping boxes
Stickers and labels
  • Paper stickers
  • Synthetic adhesives
  • Removable stickers
  • Permanent stickers
  • Adhesives with selective varnish
  • Printed stickers
  • Exterior adhesive vinyl
  • Labels on reels
  • Magnets

Digital printing is synonymous with printing speed and flexibility, but with HP INDIGO’s 7-colour technology, it is also assured of cutting-edge quality thanks to its highly durable liquid inks. Our HP INDIGO 7600 and 12000 machines in 32×48 cm and 53×73 cm formats are versatile, fast and offer premium print quality.

FUJI technology delivers excellent results for high-end photographic printing.