Grup Gavarres. National Award for Proximity Communication 2023

Grup Gavarres. National Award for Proximity Communication 2023

Seek the source, lend an ear, and write the story. A journalism of extended conversation and slow cooking that aims to delve into the paths of oral memory in nearby territories. In the words of its founder and editor, Àngel Madrià, the authentic soul of the Gavarres Editorial founded in 2002. This is the goal of the Grup Gavarres‘s magazines: Gavarres, les Garrotxes, Alberes, Cadí Pedraforca, and GaronaNogueres, but also of the various book collections that the editorial catalog offers to its readers: El Caliu de la Memòria, Narratives, Periodismes, La Gent de Girona, among many other publications.

The National Award for Proximity Communication is a well-deserved recognition of the exceptional work carried out by Editorial Gavarres and reaffirms its dedication to promoting and preserving local stories. Its philosophy and commitment to the territory are a source of inspiration for all of us.

It has been a pleasure and an honor to have been able to participate, modestly, from the technical graphic office and the printing and binding workshops, in this magnificent project since its inception in 2002 until today. Thank you for your loyalty and for doing such a great job.

You are the ones who give voice and perspective to the anonymous people of the territory, to those who are (we are) part of the inner history, recognizing the day-to-day work, the trades, the local traditions, and much more.

Thank you very much Grup Gavarres, thank you very much dear Àngel. And here’s to many more years!

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