• Display conte infantil Petit Boum
  • Display expositor Petit Boum
  • Conte infantil Petit Boum
  • Amunt Dormilegues Petit Boum
  • Ilustracions Petit Boum
  • Impremta Petit Boum

Wake up, sleepyheads!

Petit Boum

Petit Boum is born in Banyoles by the hand of Dolors López, with the aim of capturing the magic of childhood in each of its products. With curiosity, creativity, and exploration as its banner, Petit Boum offers a range of educational toys designed to stimulate the comprehensive development of the little ones.


Sensory bottles are Petit Boum’s flagship product, but it also delves into the publishing dimension through the publication of Wake up, sleepyheads!, a children’s story by Laura Quicios with illustrations by Valentí Gubianas.


Dolors relies on the collaboration of Nexe Impressions for the layout and printing of the story, as well as for the design, prepress, and printing of a display stand where the book and sensory bottles are exhibited. The Nexe team has worked to ensure maximum quality with a satisfactory result.



25 x 18 x 26,5 cm



White Folding 250 g laminated to a micro-corrugated






Matte acrylic varnish on one side
