Institute Art Gender Nature, FHNW Academy of Art and Design i Hatje Cantz Verlag

Like This. Natural Intelligence As Seen By Art. Chus Martínez

The publication Like This. Natural Intelligence As Seen by Art brings together ten projects by internationally renowned artists presented between 2016 and 2021 at der TANK, the exhibition space of the FHNW Academy of Art and Design in Basel. A series of commissions that share together an interest in exploring all possible dimensions of our relationship with nature.


All the works share a common friend, the [N.A!] Nature Addicts Project, a contemporary art foundation created by Bertrand Jacoberger, which is committed to art as a tool to raise awareness of today’s society and explore what the world might be like. of tomorrow.


Published jointly by the Institute Art Gender Nature, the FHNW Academy of Art and Design, the collaboration of Hatje Cantz Verlag and the support of the Project [N.A!], the book has a hot foil stamping on the cover, back cover and spine on the ColorPlan Forest paper by G. F Smith. Otherwise, inside has been used the paper Munken Print White of Arctic Paper, printed with UV LED technology. For the binding, it has been chosen a paperback binding with flaps, allowing a large opening.


Ana Domínguez Studio (Ana Domínguez, Lara Coromina and Ana Habash)


21 x 26 cm


UV LED technology


ColorPlan Forest of 270 g. with Colorit hot foil stamping from KURZ Graphics

Munken Print White 2.0 of 90g. (Arctic Paper) printed in 4 + 4 in 160 pages and 1 + 1 in 48 pages


Paperback binding with flaps


Hot foil stamping

Flaps, Paperback binding, Solapes, Stamping, UV-LED